We use the following areas of ministry to reach the World (the Unreached people group) for Jesus Christ! 


One of the Great Mission World Outreach Ministry’s five focuses is ‘raising leaders’. Our focus on raising leaders is aimed at training and developing our local Pastors and Leaders to not only bring people to a personal knowledge of Christ but to also make them disciples – the final command of Jesus.
Consequently, we are committed to the training, equipping, and mobilisation of pastors and local leaders across the Northern part of Ghana for the great task of reaching the unreached people groups. We provide opportunities to local/indigenous pastors and church leaders in remote and underserved areas to receive the training they need for shepherding God’s people and to help grow healthy churches. The trainings that we provide are to be multiplied to others. As pastors and leaders receive training, churches become more gospel focused and are less susceptible to false doctrine. 


We are committed to a priority of heaven, which is to send the gospel into every nation, tribe and tongue. We do this by conducting outreaches into the unreached areas. 
We evangelize and plant churches in some of the hard to reach villages as we boldly declare the name of Jesus.
We also minister to the elderly and the Sick (Reaching the Elderly, traditional rulers and the sick with the Good News) in their homes, chiefs’ palaces and the rural clinics.


We are passionate to see Christians encouraged, equipped, and mobilised to make disciples among their own people. 
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2).


The Great Commission World Outreach Ministry is focused and committed to raising Godly generation of Children who will tomorrow become tools in the hands of God. 
Psalm 78: 6-8, Prov. 22:6
We share the Good News of the Gospel with children in the Northern part of Ghana and beyond, discipling them, and providing loving and supportive care.
We protect children from exploitation, harm, and destitution. We do this by providing, medical care, education, and social programmes to help give children a hope and a future.
We conduct outreaches in schools and the villages. Through these outreaches, we share the message of salvation through God’s Word while teaching children practical health and hygiene skills 


The Great Mission World Outreach Ministry is committed to combining social concern with Christian witness. We believe that evangelism involves both the declaration of truth and the demonstration of the love of Christ, because evangelism and social action are distinct yet interlinked.
We care for, love and provide support to the needy (orphans, widows, the aged and sick)
Loving and providing for the orphans, widows, the aged and sick.
Matthew 25:36 says
"I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to me"