We are committed to a priority of heaven, which is to send the gospel into every nation, tribe and tongue. We do this by conducting outreaches into the unreached areas. 
We evangelize and plant churches in some of the hard to reach villages as we boldly declare the name of Jesus.
We also minister to the elderly and the Sick (Reaching the Elderly, traditional rulers and the sick with the Good News) in their homes, chiefs’ palaces and the rural clinics.

We embark on outreaches to the unreached people group in their villages, ministering the gospel of the kingdom to them.
Those disciples in turn are encouraged to share the Good News of personal salvation with others and form churches that will nourish and strengthen them, through pastoral care and spiritual leadership, so that they too will become equipped to make disciples.
Church planting happens when these disciples gather together for fellowship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word, and numbers grow to the point where new pastoral leaders are appointed and a new church springs up out of this growth.
As we plant churches, we train and mentor church leaders so that they can disciple new believers, enabling a generation of new leaders to be raised up and a movement of new churches to be birthed.

The Fulani are the largest Nomads in the world. Through Islamic Jihad, they are the ruling class in many West Africa countries between latitude 8 N – 20 N of the equator.
Fulani pastoralist migrants have lived in Ghana for many years. The population of Fulani in the Northern part of Ghana is estimated to be over 25,050.  The Fulani / Fulbe ethnic group is one of the largest unreached people groups in the Northern part of Ghana, and the entire Ghana in general. This is a great challenge.  
However, God is helping us to minister to them through friendship and relationship Evangelism. We do this by making friends with them, caring for them, their animals and meeting some of their identifiable needs (Human and Animal medical care, Home-Schools, Life Skills training, etc).
We reach them in villages (Fulani Settlements) in the Savannah and Northern regions of Ghana, and in some villages in Burkina Faso.
We have started sharing the gospel of CHRIST to them through our friendship and relationship Evangelism approach. We have also started Home-Schooling Program (teaching the Fulani children / kids literacy and numeracy) and fellowshipping with the children. 
What do they (Fulanis/Fulbes) believe?
The Fulani / Fulbe in the Northern part of Ghana are overwhelmingly Muslims. However, their traditional pre-Islamic rituals and beliefs are still followed today and only vaguely linked with Islam. Although it’s not fully understood, Islam is part of their ethnic identity, and it has been said that it is not possible for Fulanis to be Christians and remain Fulanis at the same time.

What is being done to reach the Fulanis?
The Ministry reaches out to the Fulanis / Fulbes through an innovative friendship and relationship Evangelism approach.
We have also donated Audio tapes of the Gospel of Christ in the Fulani language (Fula) to the heads of each Fulani households.
Again, we have funded the medical bills of a Fulani boy who needed medical attention as a result of his deteriorating health condition. 
Our main aim is to see Fulani families hear and respond to the gospel and be secret converts at worse, where Fulanis can worship the Lord and hear God’s word taught in their own language. The Great Mission World Outreach Ministry has already seen a few Fulani come to know Christ.
Many Fulani children in the households that we evangelise are malnourished, no clothes to wear and unhealthy. Their condition is appalling. They need help!

It is estimated that there are still over 1,892,000 unreached people in Northern Ghana. 
Some of them had very little or no opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Although according to Ghana’s 2021 Population and Housing Census, 71.2 % of Ghanaians are Christians. Over 13% of Ghana’s total population is the unreached people group (17.6 % Muslims and 5.2% of African Traditional faiths).
It is estimated that over 60% of Northern Ghana’s population is made up of muslims and African Traditional faiths. The people in this geographical area of Ghana have not had any meaningful contact with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Most of these unreached people groups live in difficult places, speak difficult languages, and are hard to reach. But we are compelled by the love and message of Jesus to go and reach these people at all cost.
Our goal is not evangelism alone, but, through discipleship and leadership training, to enable them to disciple their own people and plant their own churches, then go to reach other peoples with the Gospel.