One of the Great Mission World Outreach Ministry’s five focuses is ‘raising leaders’. Our focus on raising leaders is aimed at training and developing our local Pastors and Leaders to not only bring people to a personal knowledge of Christ but to also make them disciples – the final command of Jesus.
Consequently, we are committed to the training, equipping, and mobilisation of pastors and local leaders across the Northern part of Ghana for the great task of reaching the unreached people groups. We provide opportunities to local/indigenous pastors and church leaders in remote and underserved areas to receive the training they need for shepherding God’s people and to help grow healthy churches. The trainings that we provide are to be multiplied to others. As pastors and leaders receive training, churches become more gospel focused and are less susceptible to false doctrine. 

We therefore train and develop Pastors and leaders in our local churches with the right skills for the calling and ministry; how to help and work with children, teens, young adults, pastors, leaders and youth pastors. We aimed at training leaders for the various people groups that we are reaching or intending to reach. 

Growth is generated from within the local church rather than from without. It is the missionary’s job to introduce the Gospel, but then the momentum becomes indigenous so that the initiative and drive of the movement comes from within the people group rather than from outsiders.
No mission work could be termed completed without the training of indigenous leaders who would take over the mission work after the exit of the missionaries. 

Firstly, most of our local/ indigenous pastors and leaders were either not untrained or had limited Bible knowledge or ministry skills to lead their local churches; however, they love God deeply and are passionately committed to the kingdom of God. 
One of the foundational ways in which leaders can be developed is through intentional, focused, and contextually-relevant leadership training.
Secondly, we recognise that conventional missionaries are not going to be able to accomplish the massive task of reaching the unreached people groups (UPGs) alone. The answer is to equip and mobilise the church in the majority world to reach out to near neighbour people groups with whom they share an affinity of culture, ethnicity, or language.
This, too, can only be accomplished through the ongoing development of local Pastors and Leaders who will be equipped to mobilise their churches for mission.

The Great Mission World Outreach Ministry is blessed with an experienced team of practitioners from different cultural backgrounds who bring a wealth of experience and expertise.

The seminars are run for two different demographics. The first is pastors, and the second is emerging leaders (aged 18-50).
What are the goals of training seminars for local Pastors and Leaders?
•    To develop the emerging generation of local Pastors and leaders 
•    To equip pastors and leaders with skills to develop their leadership and grow their churches
•    To develop ‘trainers’ in the long run in these strategic locations
•    To encourage, strengthen, and minister to pastors and leaders
•    To inspire, equip, and mobilise churches for cross-cultural ministry (especially to UPGs)
•    To coach them to penetrate culture, lead men and women to Christ, and help these believers grow to maturity

Discipleship and Evangelism Training
Learning to be a disciple—a follower of Jesus—is at the heart of everything we do at the Great Mission World Outreach Ministry. We want to be a community of disciples who make disciples, so we offer training and refresher training opportunities for our local Pastors, Leaders and church members every year to focus on: 
•    A relationship with God through prayer that is personal and dependent.
•    A relationship with God through Scripture that is vital and growing.
•    A relationship with one another that is connected and loving.
•    A relationship with the church that is expressed through serving and giving.
•    A relationship with the world that engages neighbors and nations.
The ultimate goal is to equip and mobilise the church to grow prevailing churches and mobilise them for effective cross-cultural missions.

Most of the local pastors and leaders who attend our training seminars do not have the financial means to cover the costs, so the Great Mission World Outreach Ministry raises sponsorship to fund the seminars. The seminars operate because of the faithful and generous giving of people, and churches.
The cost of each training seminar covers transportation, meals, accommodation, and notes.