The Great Mission World Outreach Ministry is committed to combining social concern with Christian witness. We believe that evangelism involves both the declaration of truth and the demonstration of the love of Christ, because evangelism and social action are distinct yet interlinked.
We care for, love and provide support to the needy (orphans, widows, the aged and sick)
Loving and providing for the orphans, widows, the aged and sick.
Matthew 25:36 says
"I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to me"

•    Home-Schooling Program (teaching the Fulani children / kids literacy and numeracy) 
•    Basic healthcare, including medical outreaches, paying the medical bills of needy children, nutrition programmes, health education, and prevention 
•    Supporting widows and the aged with food stuff every Boxing day to demonstrate Christ’s love for the needy
•     Educational opportunities for all children, including putting up community schools  
•    Skills courses (Vocational skills) to prepare children for future employment 
•    Skills courses (Vocational skills) for adult women especially the Fulanis to enable supplement their meagre incomes that are seasonal. 

All our Humanitarian Aid activities are linked to the primary goal of evangelising and discipling the unreached people group.
We are committed to combining practical love with the hope of Jesus.
Our long-term commitment is to help build self-sustainable local communities through the delivery of basic education, adult literacy programmes, vocational skills training and healthcare.

For I was hungry and you gave Me food: I was thirsty and you gave me drink.  Matthew 25:35

The Great Mission World Outreach Ministry raises sponsorship to fund the Humanitarian Aid Ministry’s activities. The Humanitarian Aid operates because of the faithful and generous giving of people and churches.